How Do You Stack Up Against Your Competitors?

What percentage of your customers are profitable compared to your competitors? How does your customer lifetime value, retention, and payback period compare to your competitors? Find out with Retina’s Competitive Analysis.

Compare First-Party Data

Compare your first-party data to your competitors’ to show how customer lifetime value differs. With access to credit / debit card panel data, Retina will prepare a competitive analysis of your LTV metrics, including retention, average order value, and more.

Competitive Analysis from Retina

Revenue & Customer Growth

Build Lookalike Audiences

Customer Lifetime Value

RFM Segmentation

Sales Concentration & Growth Accounting

Bar Graph Illustration

Customer Lifetime Profitability

Customer Segmentation

Illustration with Checkmark

Repeat Purchase Behavior

What to Expect

In your Competitive Analysis, Retina analyzes your recent performance to your top competitors. See how you compare in areas like customer profitability, lifetime value, customer growth, and more. Example graphs are below for reference.